My name is Khaoula, and I am a writer.

As a 90's kid, I was looking forward to the post-culturalist era — no frontiers, open dialogue between countries and cultures willingly nurturing one another. Together, we would build the most harmonious form of society possible. We only needed to give in to globalization to make the dream a reality. And we gave in. Profusely. We have overdone it.
Today, that idea of the future remains a fantasy. At the dawn of the 21st century, not all narratives are equal in influence or inspiration. Some are dominant. The others are still highly overlooked.


I believe that all human experiences are fascinating, intricate and a part of our collective legacy on earth. The world, our collaborative living space, would only be better if we more carefully listened to and learned from each other's individual stories.

I believe I can contribute to bringing overlooked narratives to the forefront by helping creatives and artists articulate their vision through storytelling and the written word.

I have an insatiable appetite for words, absorbing information and inspiration through a love of books, magazines and songs.

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Arabic, English and French are ever coexisting in my everyday life as I grew up in Morocco, where all three languages blend.

I have an excellent understanding of the fashion industry, artisanal savoir-faire and how an artistic vision develops. Over the past ten years, I have dedicated my penmanship (and keyboard skills) to magnifying creative ideas through copywriting and editing for brands worldwide.

I like writing for fashion and the arts and promoting cultural projects. I am especially keen on supporting creatives and artists highlighting narratives from Morocco, North Africa, the Arab countries and around the Mediterranean.


Bottega Veneta, Cahier Central, Festival Aflam, CHANEL, Akakir Studio, Cartier, Take Care Magazine, Louis Vuitton, Yassine Morabite, Chloé, Chabi Chic

Graphics and design by Akakir Studio. Website developed by Bureau Bientôt.